香港人力資源判例第一編:工資報酬 Reference Library on Court Cases: Part 1

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相信 HR Professional 都知道香港《僱傭條例》(香港法例第57章)存在一定的局限性,單靠《僱傭條例》並不足夠應付日常的人事管理,特別是處理僱傭合約、員工守則、保密條款、約束僱員競爭、解僱、工傷等問題上。 《僱傭條例》只將基本的僱員法定權益、權利及保障規定了,缺乏處理人事、人力資源問題的彈性。

為此,我們邀請了僱傭法律學家及僱傭糾紛處理專家編輯本 “香港人力資源判例參考庫”。判例庫極具參考價值,把香港過去法庭判詞歸類成不同的專題,方便HR Professional及管理層尋找,希望協助HR Professional及管理層可以更有效制定人力資源政策、公司守則、僱員違規行為或規章制度等。另外,大部分勞資糾紛的成因都是因為沒有明確的法例規管,法例也不可能規管到社會上各行各業僱主與僱員之間的協議。 HR Professional可以通過參考不同專題的案例,一旦發生勞資糾紛時可以預先估計自己的底線,從而作出適當的商業決定,儘快有效解決有關糾紛,不需要糾纏在漫長、浪費資源的訴訟裡。

Course Content

Reference Library on Court Cases: Part 1
It is known to HR Professional that there are limitations of the Employment Ordinance of Hong Kong (Chapter 57 of the Law of Hong Kong) and that the Employment Ordinance alone is not sufficient to deal with day-to-day personnel management, particularly in the areas of employment contracts, employees’ code of conduct; clauses of discrimination, confidentiality & restraint of trade; issues of dismissal, work injury, etc. The Employment Ordinance only provides for the basic statutory entitlements, rights, and protections of employees but it does not cover flexibilities on dealing with personnel and human resources issues. As it is not possible for the legislations to cover all agreements between employers and employees across different industries, areas, and fields of trade. Before making a commercial decision on a labour issue, a HR Professional will find it useful to refer to past cases of decisions of related categories of disputes made by the court. A good commercial decision, which is made in time, would save a company from engaging in a long, resources consuming litigation. We will focus on Wages & Remuneration in Category One.

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  • 小費是工資嗎?
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  • 外地津貼是不是工資?